Laser Treatments for Redness
For patients with skin concerns pertaining to redness (rosacea for example), laser therapy can be part of an effective treatment plan. The amount of treatments needed will vary for each individual. While laser therapy can be beneficial, a combination of therapies including an excellent skin care routine is the best way to achieve clear skin. It is best to meet with our Master Skin Therapist to create an individual treatment plan unique to you.
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We use Broad Band Light (BBLTM) technology from Sciton® to address a number of skin concerns. BBLTM is the world’s most powerful Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) device on the market.
IPL therapies use controlled bursts of light to treat redness of the skin. What distinguishes BBLTM from other IPL devices is its ability to achieve optimal results in fewer treatments while maintaining patient safety.
BBLTM uses a broad range of wavelengths enabling it to treat many different skin conditions. It achieves results in fewer treatments as it performs with the highest repetition rate. It also has the ability to treat large areas, such as the back, chest, and arms as a result of the laser’s large spot sizes. This spot size can also be easily adjusted to focus on a small area, maintaining ultimate precision of treatment.
We put patient safety at the forefront of our practice, and using BBLTM technology allows us to do so. We can perform precise temperature control allowing for improved patient comfort, maintained safety, and optimal results. For example, when treating rosacea, we can ensure the temperature is not too cold thus constricting the vessels and compromising results. In comparison, when treating pigmented lesions, we can ensure the laser is not so hot that it will damage the epidermis surrounding the treatment area.
What Conditions Can be Addressed with BBL Technology?
Rosacea is a common skin condition that typically affects an individual’s face. It is often experienced in flare-ups where symptoms show for a few weeks, then disappear for a period of time. The symptoms of rosacea include small red bumps, facial redness, small dilated blood vessels, minor swelling, and more. Rosacea will present differently for each patient, the degree of each of these symptoms is variable which makes each case unique.
Pigmented Lesions
Pigmented lesions are areas of your skin with extra colour and pigment to them. They are most commonly shades of brown or black, and include moles, age (liver) spots or sun spots.
Cherry Angiomas
Cherry angiomas (sometimes called Campbell de Morgan spots or senile angiomas) are small, raised bumps on the skin that typically have a bright, cherry red pigment to them. They are made up of clustered blood capillaries at the surface of the skin, and as such, may bleed if injured. Many people experience these spots; most begin appearing in middle age and increase in size and thickness with maturity.
Telangiectasias (sometimes called spider veins) are dilated blood vessels near the skin surface. Telangiectasias are most commonly seen on the face in the areas around the nose, cheeks and chin, however they can develop anywhere on the body.
Acne is a skin condition resulting from clogged hair follicles. These follicles become filled with oil and dead skin cells, and depending on severity, can present as a variety of different bumps on the face. These range from small, tender bumps to large, pus-filled lumps. Depending on the symptoms experienced, patients concerned about acne may benefit from laser treatment.
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