
The best of both worlds – incredible results with a rapid period of recovery. Our ProFractional™ Therapy is a quick and comfortable laser procedure for improving overall skin appearance with little associated downtime.

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How ProFractional™ Works

Using a tiny laser beam, our ProFractional™ laser treats thousands of pinpoint areas on your skin surface. This creates micro-ablated channels deep in your dermal tissue while leaving the surrounding skin untreated. The healing response from the pinpoint wounds promotes collagen formation to add firmness to the skin, while the untreated tissue promotes rapid healing post-treatment.

Why Choose ProFractional™ For Resurfacing?

Our ProFractional™ targets conditions that exist deeper in the skin

Customized Approach

When treating you with our ProFractional™ therapy, parameters such as ablation depth and thermal effect can be individually adjusted to suit your specific concerns, desired outcome, and tolerance for downtime.

About Sciton

Sciton provides advanced lasers and light sources for treating a variety of aesthetic concerns. Other Sciton devices we use at our clinic include the Halo and Contour TRL lasers for skin resurfacing, and the BBL for a number of other skin concerns.

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